Order custom-made aluminum stretcher frames.

Here are the prices. If you send the form hereunder, we will review it and establish a price quote within 72 hours. Prices may vary due to price increases of aluminium, wood, etc. Shipping costs will be calculated manually based on the size of the order and the delivery location.

You will receive a copy of the form below when you send it to us. Check your spam emails if you haven't received it or contact us.

Custom-made alu stretcher frames

min 40 cm


Total :

Without delivery costs

Contact details

Estimated shipping costs :

Grand total :

Estimation with delivery

© Copyright 2024 - ALU CANVAS, the manufacturer of custom-made aluminium stercher bars for stretcher frames.
A service of Pauwels Tape bvba, Brixtonlaan 25, 1930 Zaventem, Belgium
VAT BE0447228990
